18th ICPP Zagreb 2025 - 18th International Conference on Philosophical Practice
Jordanovac 110
Zagreb 10000
- Croatian Philosophical Practice Association
- Amigdala Center
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The ICPP is a global movement of philosophical practitioners, which convenes regularly at international conferences. The ICPP community is entirely self-governing, on the basis of collegiality and goodwill.
Since 1994, International Conferences on Philosophical Practice have been held in different countries of the world. Countries such as Canada (1994), the Netherlands (1996, 2010), USA (1997), Germany (1998), United Kingdom (1999), Norway (2001), Denmark (2004), Spain (2006), Italy (2008), South Korea (2012), Greece (2013), Serbia (2014), Switzerland (2016), Mexico (2018), Russia (2021), Romania (2023) hosted these conferences.
The ICPP's mission is to further the growth and development of philosophy as a practice. It has no political structure, and no ideology. Its purpose is to share insights, experiences and initiatives on all aspects of philosophical practice.
In 2025, the conference will be held 12–14 June in Zagreb, capital of Croatia (European Union), at various venues.
Conference topics:
- Ethics of friendship in philosophical practice
- Love and care in philosophical practice
- Aesthetics of community – aesthetics of love
- Bioethical aspects of philosophical practice
- Spiritual aspects of philosophical practice
- Modal logic in philosophical counseling
- Existential-phenomenological aspects of philosophical practice
- Roots of philosophical practice in the history of philosophy
- Wars and trauma in the contemporary era
- Fear in philosophical counseling
- Irony in philosophical counseling
- Diagnosis in philosophical counseling
- Philosophical aspects of the subject “syntonic”
- Philotheatre
* The participants are free to pick a topic in the suggested scope and topic range, but are also free to apply with topic of a wider thematical scope as the suggestions do not cover all aspects, topics or scopes of the philosophical practice.
May 10, 2025, 9:00am CET
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