2025 West Coast Plato Workshop: Alcibiades I

May 16, 2025 - May 18, 2025
Department of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego

Department of Philosophy
San Diego
United States

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New School for Social Research
University of New Mexico
University of California, San Diego
Brigham Young University
The New School
Brown University
Dublin City University
University College London
Duke University
Chapman University
University of Chicago
Idaho State University
University of Maryland, College Park


University of California, San Diego

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The 2025 West Coast Plato Workshop will be dedicated to Alcibiades I and will take place on May 16-18, 2025, at the University of California, San Diego. The workshop will be in person. 

Cinzia Arruzza (BU) and Fiona Leigh (UCL) will be keynote speakers. The confirmed participants include:

Zara Armdur (Texas Tech)

Sarale Ben Asher (New Mexico)

Ryan Christensen (BYU) 

Jack Condie (New School)

Jacob Haagenson (Columbia)

Emily Kress (Brown)

Peter Larsen (Dublin)

Frank Li (Harvard)

Wenjin Liu (Duke)

Brennan McDavid (Chapman)

John Proios (Chicago)

Evan Rodriguez (Idaho)

Rachel Singpurwala (UM College Park)

Please register for the event at [email protected]

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May 1, 2025, 9:00am PST

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