Originalism about Concepts

March 27, 2012
Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Senate House, Room G22/26 (Ground Floor)
Malet Street
London WC1
United Kingdom


David Papineau
King's College London
François Recanati
Institut Jean Nicod
University of Texas at Austin
Michael Tye
University of Texas at Austin
Åsa Wikforss
Stockholm University

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10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.30 Michael Tye (UT Austin) & Mark Sainsbury(UT Austin) An Originalist Theory of Concepts

11.30 Francois Recanati (IJN, Paris) Mental Files and the Sense/Reference Distinction

1.00 Lunch (own arrangements)  

2.30 Åsa Wikforss (Stockholm) Originalist Concepts and the Transparency of Content

4.00 Tea

4.30 David Papineau (King's College London) Cutting Concepts Too Fine

6.00 Close

Registration (essential)

To register please email your name with “Originalism 27 March” as the subject header to [email protected]. In the message, please state your fees category (staff and students should indicate their department and/or course). Fees will be taken at the conference venue and you will only be contacted in advance if there is a query with your registration.  

Fees (includes teas):

None: Current Faculty (full-time) and Students of University of London Philosophy Departments and individual members of Institute of Philosophy £10: Other UK Philosophy Department staff and students £25: Standard

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March 27, 2012, 10:00am BST

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