The Greatest Philosophy Conference of All Time
West Lafayette
United States
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The Greatest Philosophy Conference of All Time: Themes from Paul Draper
This is (going to be) The Greatest Philosophy Conference of All Time, which will host a series of papers on the work of Paul Draper, (who the organizers opine is) one of the greatest agnostic philosophers of religion of all time.* Please email [email protected] to register.
The conference will take place at Purdue University on September 19-20, 2025. Registration and attendance are free and open to anyone interested.
***Please email [email protected] to register***, and indicate also if you would be willing to provide comments on a paper, chair a session, or volunteer as a participant in any thought experiments (IRB not yet approved).
Themes that will be covered include: Draper’s philosophical method and approach, probability theory as it relates to the Philosophy of Religion, intrinsic probability and theism, the nature(s) of atheism and agnosticism, panpsychotheism and the Philosophy of Mind, and of course, the problem of evil, particularly topics from Draper’s forthcoming Atheism and the Problem of Evil with Oxford University Press. The conference is in preparation for an edited volume forthcoming with Routledge in the spring of 2026, on the same topics and themes.
Presenters include (in alphabetical order): Charity Anderson, Michael Bergmann, Nevin Climenhaga, Jeannine Diller, Paul Draper, Jason Marsh, Wes Morriston, Mark Murphy, Yujin Nagasawa, Timothy O'Conner, Graham Oppy, Daniel Rubio, J.L. Schellenberg, Richard Swinburne, and Michael Tooley.
*A title the organizers deem by fiat, ex computatrum. Dissidents may file complaints with the organizers but complaints must be substantiated with countervailing arguments and/or evidence consistent with our priors and background knowledge.
Please email [email protected] to register
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