CFP: AvataResponsibility 2025: Artificial agency and responsibility: the rise of LLM-powered avatars

Submission deadline: Yesterday

Conference date(s):
May 22, 2025 - May 23, 2025

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Conference Venue:

Centrul de Cercetare în Etică Aplicată, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy
Bucharest, Romania

Topic areas


Venue: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 22 & 23 May 2025

Description: Recent developments in digital and robotic avatars that integrate Large Language Models with interactive representations of real human beings blur the boundaries of human and artificial agency. Use of highly autonomous or semi-teleoperated LLM-powered avatars in virtual and physical environments (e.g. professional, educational or healthcare) raises pressing questions related to legal and moral responsibility for outcomes generated with and by avatars. The purpose of this two-day workshop is to explore the puzzle of artificial agency and responsibility in the context of LLM-powered avatars, considering various streams of research in domains such as AI ethics, social ontology, as well as philosophy of law. 

Keynote and guest speakers include:

Pekka Mäkelä, University of Helsinki

Raul Hakli, University of Helsinki  

Daniela Vacek, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Izabela Skoczeń, Jagiellonian University

Diana Mocanu, University of Helsinki

Matteo Pascucci, Central European University

Elena Popa, University of Seville

Steven Gouveia, University of Porto

Submissions: We have two open slots for workshop talks and four open slots for workshop posters. We welcome submissions of abstracts (maximum 500 words, excluding references) on topics relating to avatars (both digital and robotic) and responsibility. Please send your anonymised abstract and short bio by 25 March 2025 to Successful candidates will be notified by the beginning of April. Although full costs cannot be covered, there might be several (partial) travel reimbursements available for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers without current funding.


This is the second of a series of five yearly workshops hosted by the Research Center in Applied Ethicsof the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, within the framework of the ERC Starting Grant project “avataResponsibility” (Avatar agency. Moral responsibility at the intersection of individual, collective, and artificial social entities in emergent avatar communities). Details of the previous edition are available here. The workshop is part of the larger series of events “Responsibility Matters Workshop Series” (RMWS) covering topics related to responsibility across various fields. For further details please contact Mihaela Constantinescu, PI of the ERC grant avataResponsibility:

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