Music: Perception, Meaning & Metaphysics
IAS Seminar Room C0.02
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
- Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick
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This is an interdisciplinary event where researchers from a variety of discipline will explore different aspects of musical perceptio, meaning and nature. The aim of the event is to interrogate methodological approaches to the study of music. For each talk, a philosopher is going to provide a short reply to facilitate the individuation of recurrent themes and methodological similarity.
Registration for this event can be done through EventBrite, and is suggested (not mandatory).
09.30–10.20 Welcome
Short Introduction to the Event by the Organising Committee + “Listening Station” with Gavin Bell (Physics – University of Warwick)
10.20–11.40 Music through the lens of sciences
Speaker: Oksana Trushkevych (Engineering– University of Warwick) and Gavin Bell (Physics)
Discussant: Matthew Nudds (Philosophy – University of Warwick)
11.50 –13.00 The Perception, Meaning and Metaphysics of Music: Some Key Issues and Some (Biosemantic) Correctives
Speaker: Ben Curry (Musicology – University of Birmingham)
Discussant: Phil Letts (Philosophy – University of Birmingham)
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch + “Listening Station” with Gavin Bell (Physics – University of Warwick)
14.00 – 15.20 Musical Groove: Pleasure, Body-Movement and Embodied Cognition
Speaker: Maria Witek (Music Psychology – University of Birmingham)
Discussant: Chiara Brozzo (Philosophy – University of Birmingham)
15.20 – 15.40 Coffee break + “Listening Station” with Gavin Bell (Physics – University of Warwick)
15.40 – 17.00 Perceiving Music: the Role of the Listener
Speaker: Giulia Lorenzi (Institute of Advanced Study – University of Warwick)
Discussant: Eileen John (Philosophy – University of Warwick)
17.00 – 17.45 Concluding Remarks + “Listening Station” with Gavin Bell (Physics – University of Warwick)
Organising Committee:
Giulia Lorenzi – University of Warwick
Philip Letts – University of Birmingham
Ben Curry – University of Birmingham
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