CFP: Phil-Econ-Model-Lab

Submission deadline: June 1, 2025

Conference date(s):
January 7, 2026 - February 27, 2026

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences, Leibniz University Hannover
Hannover, Germany

Topic areas


Phil-Econ-Model Lab, University of Hanover, 25-27 Feb 2026 | Submission Deadline 1 June 2025

Dear fellow economists and philosophers of economics,

We are pleased to invite you to our Phil-Econ-Model Lab (PEM-Lab), a workshop taking place from 25-27 February 2026 at the University of Hanover, Germany. With this workshop aimed at early career scholars, we offer a venue for cutting-edge research at the interface of (a) philosophy of economics and (b) values in science debates, investigating in-how-far non-epistemic value judgements enter the modelling process in economic models, which are currently important in policy design.

We aim to create a unique collaborative environment aside from the beaten paths of conference sessions: rather than merely presenting worked-out proposals and finished papers, we want to think together about novel ideas and shape joint future projects in real-time. Thus, the PEM-Lab will consist of two distinct phases: First, a set of online reading group sessions to discuss the relevant literature in connection to our own research ideas taking place in January and February 2026. Here, we get to know each other and each other’s work. Second, an in-person meeting in Hanover (Germany) at the end of February 2026 to deep-dive into debates where we have left off. The aim here is to foster international collaboration. Please find more information about the PEM-Lab’s subject matter, structure, dates and other detailshere.

We encourage submissions from all early PhD students who are working on the nexus of values in science and models in economics regardless of the disciplinary affiliation. We especially encourage applications from PhD students from non-European and North American universities and ask for circulation in relevant communities if you happen to know some. We will assist attendees with visa applications, accommodation and are securing funding to provide travel grants for scholars without sufficient institutional means.

Submission and Deadline

Please prepare the following documents and submit your application through theapplication form:

1.     A statement about your motivation (max 800 words) including a brief summary of your previous academic work and a concise statement of what you want to learn and work on during the workshop. Note: this should not be a fleshed-out research proposal, novel and conceptual ideas are welcome!

2.     A CV

Submission Deadline: 1 June 2025

Decisions communicated by: 1 July 2025

Please visit the project's web page for more details regarding the selection process.


Date and Location

[Online] Informal Get-together: December 2025

[Online] Reading group and presentation sessions: 07 January 2026, 21 January 2026, 04 February 2026 and 18 February 2026

[In-person] Workshop at the University of Hanover: 25-27 February 2026



Please feel free to reach out in case of any questions!

Anna-Katharina Kothe [email protected]
Jakob [email protected]

PEM-Lab Website:

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Anna-Katharina Kothe & Jakob Ortmann

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