The Spontaneity of Freedom Summer Workshop

July 4, 2025 - July 5, 2025
Department of Philosophy, University College London

IAS Common Ground
UCL Institute of Advanced Studies, South Wing, Wilkins Building, Gower St
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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University College London
University College London

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This project investigates a familiar but under-theorized variety of freedom. Spontaneous freedom is the freedom of unplanned, unscripted, unalienated activity. It is the freedom we feel when we set off to explore a city we have never visited before, open a sketchbook to a blank page, or quit a job to take up a new vocation.

The focus of the project’s First Summer Workshop will be the nature of spontaneous freedom and the varieties of spontaneous experience.

Space at this event is limited; if you wish to attend, please contact the organisers and we will let you know if space is available.

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June 1, 2025, 9:00am BST

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