Young Minds - A Conference for Marginalized Identites 2025: On Philosophy of Language

October 24, 2025
Department of Philosophy, University of Bielefeld, Germany

Universitätsstraße 25
Bielefeld 33615

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  • SWIP e.V.
  • DGPhil e.V.


Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Technische Universität Dresden

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Young Minds is a collective of B.A. and M.A. Philosophy students from Hamburg, Bielefeld and Düsseldorf. After the first Young Minds Conference in 2024 in Hamburg, we got together with interested students from other universities to organize this year's Conference.

With our conference, we want to give students from marginalized groups the opportunity to present their work and exchange ideas. In addition to two guest presentations by Dr. Viktoria Knoll (TU Dresden) and Dr. Leda Berio (Ruhr Universität Bochum) on the conference topic, five students will have the chance to give a 20-minute lecture (in German or English) followed by a Q&A session.

Everyone is welcome to join the conference! There is no fee. We are happy to welcome professors, lecturers, philosophy students as well as people outside of academia who are interested in philosophical matters. There will be a registration link following approximately in June/July.

We are happy to publish the program in September 2025!

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