Conference on Propositions

May 7, 2014 - May 8, 2014
Dept of Philosophy, University of Leeds

United Kingdom


  • European Research Council


Lorraine Juliano Keller
Niagara University
Jeffrey King
Rutgers University
Kris McDaniel
Syracuse University
Friederike Moltmann
Scott Soames
University of Southern California
Jeff Speaks
University of Notre Dame


University of Illinois, Chicago

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May 7:

9.20am-9.45am: Registration/Tea & Coffee

9.45am-11.25am: Jeff Speaks, ‘Cognitively distinct but representationally identical propositions’

11.25am-11.40am: Coffee/tea (catered)

11.40am-1.20pm: Scott Soames, ‘Objections’

1.20pm-2.20pm: Lunch (catered)

2.20pm-4.00pm: Lorraine Juliano Keller, ‘Against Naturalised Propositions’

4.00pm-4.20pm: Afternoon tea (catered)

4.20pm-6.00pm: Kris McDaniel, ‘Propositions Individuated Metaphysically’

7pm: Conference Dinner

May 8:

10.00am-11.40am: Jeff King, TBA

11.40am-11.55am: Coffee/tea (catered)

11.55am-1.35pm: Friedrike Moltmann, ‘Cognitive Products and the Semantics of 'that-'Clauses’

1.35pm: Lunch

For paper abstracts, and other information, go to:

There is no cost to attend the conference, but registration is required. To register, please email:[email protected]

This conference is sponsored by the Nature of Representation project, a five year research project on the metaphysics and epistemology of mental and linguistic represention, funded by the European Research Council and headed by Professor Robbie Williams. 

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April 25, 2014, 10:00pm BST

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