CFP: 2015 Saint Louis University Graduate Philosophy Conference

Submission deadline: November 24, 2014

Conference date(s):
January 29, 2015 - January 31, 2015

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, Saint Louis University
Saint Louis, United States

Topic areas


Call for Papers 

2015 Saint Louis University Graduate Philosophy Conference  

January 30-31, 2015 Saint Louis University    

Conference Theme: 

Ontology of the Human Person: What Are We and What Difference Does it Make?  

Keynote Speaker: 

Dean Zimmerman, Rutgers University

Submission Guidelines:  

We invite submissions on issues in personal identity, the philosophy of human nature, and the ontology of human persons, as well as related issues in ethics, philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of religion.

Papers should be no more than 20 minutes reading time (approximately 3000 words, excluding footnotes) and prepared for blind review. The presentation of each accepted paper at the conference will be followed by a commentary from one of our own graduate students. 

Submissions should also include a separate cover page with the author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, word count, and a short abstract (no more than 150 words).

Please send both documents to [email protected]. All questions pertaining to the conference should be directed to the conference organizers, Jeremy Skrzypek and Andrew Jones, at the same address. 

The deadline for submission is Tuesday, November 25, 2014. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by December 15.

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