Celebrating the Work of Peter Goldie
United Kingdom
- Manchester Philosophy Department
- Manchester School of Social Sciences
- The Mind Association
- British Society for Aesthetics
- Analysis Committee
Talks at this conference
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This international conference celebrates the wide-ranging and influential work of Peter Goldie, Samuel Hall Professor of Philosophy at the University of Manchester from 2005 until his death in 2011.
Friday, 14 September 2012
- 9.00 Welcome; tea and coffee; registration
- 9.45 Ronald deSousa (Toronto)
- 11.00 Tea and coffee
- 11.30 Derek Matravers (Open University)
- 12.45 Lunch
- 1.45 David Papineau (KCL)
- 3.00 Kathleen Stock (Sussex)
- 4.15 Tea and coffee
- 4.45 Joel Smith (Manchester)
- 6.00 Reception
- 8.00 Conference Dinner
Saturday, 15 September 2012
- 9.00 Robert Hopkins (Sheffield)
- 10.15 Kathleen Higgins (Texas, Austin)
- 11.30 Tea and coffee
- 12.00 Matthew Kieran (Leeds)
- 1.15 Lunch
- 2.15 Submitted papers
- 4.15 Tea and coffee
- 4.45 Dominic McIvor Lopes (UBC)
- 6.00 Conference ends
Graduate bursaries
Up to five graduate student bursaries of £50 are available, in order to assist with graduate students’ conference expenses. Bursaries will be allocated on a first come-first served basis. Please contact Julian Dodd ([email protected]) to make an application. These bursaries are funded by the Analysis Committee, whom we thank for their generous support
For further details and online registration, go to the conference website:
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