CFP: Collective Intentionality VIII

Submission deadline: June 8, 2012

Conference date(s):
August 28, 2012 - August 31, 2012

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, University of Manchester
Manchester, United Kingdom

Topic areas


Collective Intentionality VIII – as the name suggests! – is the eighth in a series of large-scale international events on joint and/or cooperative action, reasoning, decision, intention, attention, and associated mental and agential phenomena, topics that impact on issues in ethics and social ontology and which cross boundaries between philosophy, psychology, AI, economics, and political theory. Previous events in the series have been hosted by the Universities of Basel (2010), Berkeley (2008), Helsinki (2006), Siena (2004), Rotterdam (2002), Leipzig (2000) and Munich (1999). This will be the first in the series hosted in the UK, and we are proud to announce that the University of Manchester has been selected to host the event.

We invite papers for presentation in 30 minute parallel sessions (20 minute presentation plus 10 minute discussion). Researchers in fields including (but not restricted to) philosophy, psychology, economics, computer science and political theory are warmly encouraged to submit. Please send either a full draft or an extended abstract (of approx. 1-2 pages) for blind review, to: [email protected] by 8th June 2012 (this deadline has been extended by one week). Notification of acceptance by 1st July 2012. Registration closes on 1st August 2012.

We will consider offering early notification to those who can give good reasons (e.g. relating to sponsorship from their home institution) for needing an early response.

Supporting material

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