Begging to differ with similarity accounts of counterfactualsProf Alan Hajek (Australian National University)
E561, 5th Floor, Menzies
Monash University
Clayton 3800
Widespread agreement among philosophers on a given topic is rare. However, it is enjoyed by the Stalnaker/Lewis similarity accounts of counterfactuals. Roughly, they say that the counterfactual
if p were the case, q would be the case
is true if and only if
at the nearest p-worlds, q is true.
I disagree with these accounts, for many reasons. A recurring problem is that they render true various implausibly specific counterfactuals. I suggest an alternative proposal for the right-hand side:
at the sufficiently near p-worlds, q is true.
Reading to complete in advance: David Lewis, “Counterfactual dependence and time's arrow,” Nous 13 (1979): 455-76.
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