Minds Online
The Internet: http://mindsonline.philosophyofbrains.com
151 Dodd Hall
United States
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The editors of the Brains blog, together with the Departments of Philosophy at Florida State University and the University of Houston, are pleased to announce that the second annual Minds Online conference will be held during the month of September, 2016.
The confirmed keynote speakers are Ellen Fridland (King’s College, London) and Bryce Huebner (Georgetown University).
The conference will extend over several weeks, divided into sessions that are each organized around some common theme. Each paper will be accompanied by a short audio or audiovisual introduction, two to three written commentaries, and a reply by the author. There will then be opportunity for open discussion between readers and authors.
The online conference has many advantages over the traditional conference — including increased exposure for presenters, higher quality papers, higher quality commenters, a more manageable pace during the comment period, less expense, and less travel-related frustration. For more details, see our discussion piece “The Future of Online Conferences in Philosophy.”
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