The ninth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 9)

August 21, 2017 - August 26, 2017
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München

Main Bulding
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
München 80539

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

View the Call For Papers


Peter Adamson
Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
Anthony Apppiah
New York University
Franz Berto
University of Amsterdam
Paul Egré
Institut Jean Nicod
Michael Friedman
Stanford University
Pierre Jacob
Institut Jean Nicod
Rae Langton
Cambridge University
Christian List
London School of Economics
Anna-Sofia Maurin
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Serena Olsaretti
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Sonia Roca-Royes
University of Stirling
Elliott Sober
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Helen Steward
University of Leeds


Stephan Hartmann
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

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ECAP 9 – Call for Papers

The European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP) invites contributed papers and proposals for symposia to be presented at ECAP9. The congress has twelve sections:

  1. History of Philosophy, History of Analytic Philosophy
  2. Epistemology
  3. Philosophy of Science
  4. Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics
  5. Philosophy of Language
  6. Philosophy of Mind and Action
  7. Metaphysics
  8. Philosophical Methodology and Meta-Philosophy
  9. Ethics
  10. Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
  11. Aesthetics
  12. Philosophy of Religion

The ECAP9 Program Committee will strive for quality, variety, and diversity on the program. We particularly welcome submissions from women, ethnic minorities, and any other underrepresented group in the profession.

Contributed Papers

We invite submissions of both a short abstract (max. 100 words) and an extended abstract (500-1000 words) through our automatic submission system by 8 January, 2017. To submit, please prepare your abstract for blind review, and save your extended abstract as a PDF file. Then follow the link to our Conference System. Please note that first time users have to register as users of EasyChair.

The allocated time for delivering contributed papers at the conference will be 30 minutes, including discussion.


We invite submissions of both a short abstract (max. 100 words) and a full proposal through our automatic submission system by 8 January, 2017. To submit, please prepare your abstract for blind review, and save your full proposal as a PDF file. Then follow the link to our Conference System. Please note that first time users have to register as users of EasyChair. The full proposal includes the number and title of the relevant section, the title of the proposed symposium, the contact details of the organizer(s) (who may or may not be a proposed speaker) and the names and short CVs (max. 1 page) of all speakers, a general description of the topic and its significance (up to 1000 words), and titles and abstracts of max. 100 words of all papers.

Accepted symposia will be allocated 120 minutes, including discussion. They can have any format but the maximum number of speakers is 4. Symposium proposals that include speakers from other disciplines are especially encouraged.

Dates and Deadlines

When?                            What?

08 January 2017             Submission Deadline

15 February 2017           Notification of Acceptance

01 May 2017                  Early Registration Deadline

21 – 26 August 2017      Conference

Supporting material

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May 1, 2017, 5:00am CET

External Site

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2 people are attending:

Universitat de Barcelona

1 person may be attending:

Adam Mickiewicz University

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