Introspection Sucks! Workshop with Eric Schwitzgebel

May 30, 2017
Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Stadscampus, building S, Room: S.S.004
Lange Sint-Annastraat 7
Antwerpen 2000


Nicholas D’Aloisio-Montilla
Oxford University
Sascha Fink
University of Magdeburg
Anna Giustina
Institut Jean Nicod, ENS
Adriana Renero
City University of New York, The Graduate Center
Katia Samoilova
California State University
Kranti Saran
Ashoka University
Eric Schwitzgebel
University of California, Riverside

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10-11.10: Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside)

Introspection Sucks!

11.10-11.30: Coffee-Break

11.30-12.15: Sascha Fink (Magdeburg)

Introspective Disputes Deflated: The Case for Phenomenal Variation

12.15-13: Adriana Renero (CUNY, The Graduate Center)

The Across-the-board Skeptical Challenge to Introspection

13-14: Lunch

14-14.45: Anna Giustina (Paris)

Introspection without Judgment

14.45-15.30: Nicholas D’Aloisio-Montilla (Oxford)

Two Seeming Successes of Introspection

15.30-15.45: Coffee-Break

15.45-16.30: Katia Samoilova (Chico State)

Introspective Disagreement and Skepticism

16.30-17.15: Kranti Saran (Ashoka University)

The Moral Significance of Introspection

19: Workshop Dinner

There will be another workshop at the same venue on the following day (May 31st); this time a workshop on Imagination, Belief and Sub-Doxastic States.

Registration fee: 100 Euros for both workshops, or 80 Euros for only one (including workshop dinner on the 30th – negotiable if you don’t want to attend the dinner).

To register, please send an email to Anna Ichino ([email protected]).

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May 25, 2017, 7:45pm CET

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