Arthur Prior and Hybrid Logic
Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde University)

part of: 4th Annual IAPT Conference
June 12, 2017, 10:30am - 11:30am
Department of philosophy, University of Milan

Palazzo Feltrinelli
Via Castello 4
Gargnano 25084

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Wake Forest University
Davide Bordini
University of Milan
Valerio Buonomo
University of Milan
University of Venice
Fabrice Correia
University of Neuchatel
Samuele Iaquinto
University of Milan
David Ingram
University of Milan
Colgate University
Kristie Miller
University of Sydney
University of Geneva
Giuliano Torrengo
University of Milan
Christian Wüthrich
University of California, San Diego
Nick Young
University of Milan

Topic areas


Abstract. It is well known that Arthur Prior was the creator of tense logic; it is less well known that he also founded what has become known as hybrid logic, and that this second creation raised difficult questions for his own views on time. Prior held an A-series of view of time, and his tense logic was meant to reflect - indeed, to constitute - this view. But as he himself showed, his hybrid logic was capable of something very much like B-series talk, and (as he also realised) this raised a difficult question anew: What was so special about tensed talk after all? In my presentation, I will outline some of the ideas that led Prior to this realisation. I will not presuppose any previous knowledge of tense or hybrid logic: Prior's ideas have a simplicity and elegance that make them straightforward to present. But these ideas also led him to a problematic place; I will take the audience there, and then indicate a way out.

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