CFP: Topoi Special Issue: Mental Powers
Submission deadline: March 31, 2018
Topic areas
TOPOI Special Issue - Call For Papers
Mental Powers
Journal Website:
Guest editors:
Matteo Grasso (University of Oxford)
Anna Marmodoro (University of Oxford)
New deadline for manuscript submission: 31st March 2018.
The metaphysics of powers (Shoemaker, 1980; Mumford, 2004; Marmodoro, 2009; Heil, 2012 among many others) is a promising conceptual framework that has been successfully put to use in many philosophical and scientific domains, but surprisingly its potential applications in the contemporary philosophy of mind are still under-investigated. This thematic issue aims to show that power ontology has implications concerning several major problems in the contemporary philosophy of mind. All paper submissions proposing an application of power metaphysics in contemporary philosophy of mind are welcome.
The Issue:
The issue will contain a selection of invited contributions by prominent voices in the philosophical debate, and will be open to submitted contributions focusing on any application of the metaphysic of powers in the contemporary philosophy of mind. A non-exhaustive list of topics is the following: powers and the “hard problem” of consciousness; powers and the nature of qualia; powers and reductionism; powers and the problem of emergence; powers and downward causation; powers and mental causation; powers and free will; powers and hylomorphism; powers and perception; powers and panpsychism or Russellian monism.
Invited contributors:
- Alex Carruth (Durham University)
- Philip Goff (CEU)
- Simone Gozzano (University of L'Aquila)
- William Jaworski (Fordham University)
- Erasmus Mayr (Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Hedda Hassel Mørch (NYU/Oslo)
- Ben Page & William Simpson (Oxford & Cambridge)
- Michele Paolini Paoletti (University of Macerata)
- Barbara Vetter (Freie Universität Berlin)
- David Yates (Universidade de Lisboa)
Submission Process:
All papers will be subject to double-blind peer-review, following international standard practices. Each submission will be peer-reviewed by no less than two referees. To submit, go to Topoi’s online editorial manager:
After logging in, click on Submit New Manuscript and select the item “S.I. Mental powers (Grasso/Marmodoro)” from the menu Article Type.
Papers should not exceed 7000 words.
For any further information please contact:
Matteo Grasso: [email protected]
Anna Marmodoro: [email protected]