Reasons, Rationality, and Intentional Agency

September 29, 2017 - September 30, 2017
Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics

London School of Economics
London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom


  • Leverhulme Trust

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This two-day interdisciplinary workshop will bring together philosophers, economists, and scholars from neighbouring disciplines to discuss issues ranging from new approaches to rational choice theory at one end of the spectrum to contributions concerning the metaphysics of intentionality and agency at the other.

The workshop falls under the umbrella of Christian List's Leverhulme project (, but the topic is broadly construed.

There is no formal registration. Admission will be subject to space constraints in the workshop room. 


Friday 29 September 

9:30-9:45 Christian List (LSE), “Welcome”

9:45-10:45 Kate Vredenburgh (Harvard), “Rational Choice Explanation”

11:00-12:00 Francesco Guala (Milan), “Preferences: Neither Behavioral nor Mental”

12:15-13:15 Franz Dietrich (CNRS & PSE), “Reason-based choice: An overview and progress report”

14:30-15:30 Lisa Bortolotti (Birmingham), “Choice Blindness and the Fluidity of the Self”

15:45-16:45 Kristina Musholt (Leipzig), “Entering the space of reasons. The role of education for the development of rationality”

17:00-18:00 Erik Hoel (Columbia), “Some things can't be reduced: Agents and their causal structure”

18:00-19:00 Hilary Greaves (Oxford), “The parliamentary model of moral uncertainty”

Saturday 30 September

9:30-10:30 Christian List (LSE), “Beyond consequentialization: A choice-theoretic representation of moral theories”

10:45-11:45 Paola Manzini (St Andrews) & Marco Mariotti (QMUL), “Identification of welfare and bounded rationality”

12:00-13:00 Robert Sugden (UEA), “The theoretical impossibility of a Paretian liberal and the empirical impossibility of behavioural welfare economics” 

14:15-15:15 Katya Tentori (Trento), “Which forecasting model is the most descriptively accurate?”

15:30:16:30 Thomas Müller (Konstanz), “On the role of indeterminism for the metaphysics of agency”

16:45-17:45 Richard Bradley (LSE), “Pareto, Inequality and Uncertainty”

17:45-18:45 Marcus Pivato (Cergy-Pontoise), “Autonomy and metapreferences”

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3 people are attending:

University of Aberdeen
Cardiff University
and 1 more.

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