CFP: Consciousness in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy of Mind

Submission deadline: March 31, 2018

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Consciousness in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy of Mind

Invited editors: Martin Klein, Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum, Oliver Istvan Toth

In recent years, the relationship between Medieval and Early Modern philosophy has received greater attention. Scholars have characterized this relationship both as a continuity and as a break. This is certainly true of philosophy of mind, where many Aristotelian assumptions and questions persisted, while the framework of substantial forms and their inherent powers was questioned. Also, in both Medieval and Early Modern history of philosophy the notion of consciousness has been the topic of new research: different scholars have tried to investigate the question how our contemporary concern with consciousness maps onto Medieval and Early Modern philosophy, as well as what implications medieval and early modern positions in philosophy of mind and epistemology have for possible views on consciousness. While some scholars point to similarities, others have warned that it is not clear whether the problem of consciousness even existed for some of the authors in these periods.

For this special issue of Society and Politics we therefore invite papers discussing one of the followings topics:

  • Consciousness in Medieval philosophy
  • Consciousness in Early Modern philosophy
  • The influence of Medieval on Early Modern discussions of and debates on consciousness
  • Influence and/or relevance of Medieval and/or Early Modern discussions of and debates on consciousness for the contemporary philosophy of mind
  • Methodology of research on Medieval and/or Early Modern discussions of and debates on consciousness
  • Historiography of Medieval and/or Early Modern discussions of and debates on consciousness

Papers no longer than 8000 words, or book reviews no longer than 800 words, should be submitted to [email protected] by March 31, 2018. Submissions must be prepared for double-blind peer review. Publication is scheduled for November 30, 2018.

For the authors guidelines see:

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