CFP: Recasting the Treatise
Submission deadline: January 6, 2018
Conference date(s):
March 15, 2018 - March 16, 2018
Conference Venue:
Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Topic areas
The MTA BTK Lendület Moral and Science Research Group is organizing a series of workshops with the title "Recasting the Treatise", focusing on the contrasts and differences between Hume's Treatise and his later philosophical works that descended from it. We are planning to hold three workshops, the eventual outcome of which is planned to be a collection of papers to be published by a suitable publisher. The locations, timings, and rough boundaries are as follows:
- The first workshop, to be held in Budapest on the 15th-16th March 2018, will focus on topics from Treatise Book 1, the first Enquiry, and relevant essays.
- The second workshop, provisionally planned to be held in Oxford in September 2018, will be devoted to Treatise Book 2, the Four Dissertations of 1757 (notably the Dissertation on the Passions), and relevant essays.
- The third workshop, provisionally planned to be held in Budapest in the spring of 2019, will be focused on Treatise Book 3, the second Enquiry, and relevant essays.
This structure is not intended to be rigid, and proposals that draw connections between the various themes will also be welcome. Efforts will be made to provide financial support for accommodation and travel for those whose abstracts are accepted, but are unable to cover their costs.
- Tamas Demeter (Budapest) - [email protected]
- Peter Millican (Oxford) - [email protected]
Invited members include: Kate Abramson, Miren Boehm, Don Garrett, Lorenzo Greco, James Harris, Jennifer Marusic, Amyas Merivale, Dan O’Brien, Hsueh Qu, Jacqueline Taylor.
At this stage we are inviting extended abstracts of about 1,000 words for the first workshop. The deadline for submission is 7th of January 2018.
See also: