Digging Deeper: Archaeological & Philosophical Perspectives

December 1, 2017 - December 3, 2017
Philosophy, Florida International University

Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS) Florida International University
420 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach
United States


  • Allan Wesler, PhD


Fred Adams
University of Delaware
Sean Allen-Hermanson
Florida International University
Murray Clarke
Concordia University
Cambridge University
John Darnell
Yale University
Caleb Everett
University of Miami
Brooklyn College (CUNY)
Marilynn Johnson
Florida International University
Anton Killin
Florida International University
Colleen Manassa Darnell
University of Hartford
Jesse Prinz
City University of New York
Elizabeth Scarbrough
Florida International University
Mary Stiner
University of Arizona
Francesco d'Errico
University of Bordeaux


Sean Allen-Hermanson
Florida International University
Marilynn Johnson
Florida International University
Anton Killin
Florida International University

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This event brings together archaeologists and philosophers for an interdisciplinary symposium on art, communication, the mind, and the human past in general.

Conference Program

Thursday 30 Nov - Lido Lounge at The Standard (Belle Isle)

7-9pm Informal reception

Friday 1 Dec - Room 475, Miami Beach Urban Studios, FIU (Lincoln Road, Miami Beach)

8:45am Welcome from Associate Dean Anderson; Tea & Coffee

9:00-10:10 Colleen Manassa Darnell, Hartford: “Paleolithic rock art in Egypt: Function and landscape analysis”

10:15-11:25 John Darnell, Yale: “Homo pictus, painted humans, and zoomorphic syntax in the early rock art of Egypt and Nubia” 

11:30-12:40 Sean Allen-Hermanson, FIU: “Mythology and shamanism in Upper Paleolithic art?” 

Lunch Break

2:00-3:10 Elizabeth Scarbrough, FIU: “Reconstructions, restorations and ruins: Mỹ Sơn archaeological sanctuary” 

3:15-4:25 Anton Killin, FIU/ANU: “Origins of music: Theory, evidence, prospects” 

Tea & Coffee 

4:50-6:00 Jesse Prinz, CUNY: “When did art start? Searching for art-making in the archaeological record” 

8:00 Conference Dinner at Café Roval

Saturday 2 Dec - Room 475, Miami Beach Urban Studios, FIU (Lincoln Road, Miami Beach)

10:00 Tea & Coffee

10:15-11:25 Francesco d’Errico, Bordeaux: “In search of mechanisms at the origin of symbolic material cultures. An archaeological perspective”

11:30-12:40 Marilynn Johnson, FIU: “Philosophical perspectives on communication by prehistoric bodily adornment” 

Lunch Break

2:00-3:10 Murray Clarke, Concordia: “Upper Paleolithic mind(s)”

3:15-4:25 Caleb Everett, Miami: “Numbers and the making of us: How the history of humankind was reshaped by a simple cognitive tool” 

Tea & Coffee

4:50-6:00 Fred Adams, Delaware: “Consciousness: Why and where?” 

Sunday 3 Dec - Conference Rooms at The Standard (Belle Isle)

10:00 Tea & Coffee 

10:15-11:25 Edouard Machery, Pittsburgh: Ethnic cognition and the Upper Paleolithic”

11:30-12:40 Adrian Currie, Cambridge: “Playing the prehistoric flute: Historical reconstruction, tracecentrism, and being human” 

Lunch Break

2:00-3:10 Mary Stiner, Arizona: “Love and death in the Stone Age: What constitutes first evidence of mortuary treatment of the human body?” 

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November 30, 2017, 4:00am EST

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