Fourth Conference on Contemporary Philosophy in East Asia (CCPEA 2018)
No. 64, Section 2, Zhinan Road,
Taipei 116
Topic areas
CCPEA was first established in 2012 in order to promote academic exchanges and international research collaborations among East Asian philosophers. This conference takes place every two years. The first one was held in Taipei in September 2012, the second one in Kyoto in August 2014, and the third one in Seoul in August 2016. With this platform many East Asian philosophers and philosophers working on east Asian philosophy shared their work and interacted with one another during session meetings and social gatherings. We hope that the 4th CCPEA will continue this great tradition and facilitate more academically exciting and inspiring exchanges of ideas among East Asian philosophers.
We have a special emphasis on “’The heritage of East Asia Philosophy” in the 4th conference. We would like to use this platform to honor and learn from the legacy of our teachers and the great effort they devote to our philosophical tradition, as well as encouraging the participation of young researchers and students so that this philosophical heritage will be passed down.
The registration fee for this conference is NT$2000(about USD60), which will cover the lunches and refreshments during the conference, as well as the welcome reception (on 8/9) and the farewell banquet. You only need to register after your abstract is accepted.
Please submit an abstract prepared for anonymous review as an e-mail attachment to the Conference Contact, Professor Ellie Wang, at [email protected] before by April 15, 2018.
June 30, 2018, 5:00am CST
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