Objects and Properties: Generating Dialogue

June 29, 2018 - June 30, 2018
St. John's College

Old Divinity School
St John's Street
Cambridge CB2 1TP
United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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  • Mind Association
  • Aristotelian Society
  • Analysis Trust
  • Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge


Université de Fribourg
Cambridge University
Washington University in St. Louis
University of York
University of Gothenburg
LMU Munich
Yale University
Syracuse University
University of Wisconsin, Madison
University of Leeds


Université de Fribourg
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Clemencia Redmond Stichting
University of Birmingham

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The ideas of object and property are two of the most central concepts in all of philosophy. They are also central to other academic disciplines, and to common sense thought and talk. However, many philosophers working on these topics do so from within a specific tradition, and a particular set of assumptions that govern metaphysical questions. There is currently very little dialogue between the different approaches. The worry is that this lack of interaction will foster an overly restrictive approach, and a lack of appreciation of other perspectives. We feel that there is an urgent need for increased communication.

This conference will answer this need, by bringing together philosophers who work on objects and properties from different perspectives, ranging from neo-Aristotelians, to Humeans, neo-Fregeans, anti-realists, and Carnapians, with the aim of generating a productive dialogue between different philosophical traditions. It is the hope of this conference that this increased dialogue will foster new and profitable work on the metaphysics of objects and properties

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June 21, 2018, 7:45pm BST

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1 person is attending:

Hugh Mellor

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