Uniting Two Perspectives on Mental Illness: Philosophy and Linguistics

September 13, 2018 - September 14, 2018
University of Essex

United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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  • CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership


Queen Mary University of London
University of Central Lancashire


University of East Anglia (PhD)
University of Essex
University of East Anglia (PhD)

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Uniting Two Perspectives on Mental Illness: Philosophy and Linguistics

The online registration for Uniting Two Perspectives on Mental Illness is now available at https://www.chase.ac.uk/uniting-two-perspectives . Registration deadline: 20th August. Although there is no registration fee, all attendees should complete the register.

Registration includes: access to the conference events and catering. Please note that the conference dinner is not covered.

A programme will be made available asap. On the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers should you have any registration-related questions.


Mental illness has long been of interest to researchers in the humanities, including philosophy, linguistics, sociology, history and politics. In a domain where psychologists and psychiatrists have focused on identifying interventions and developing explanatory models, scholars in the humanities have preferred to explore broad conceptual and cultural questions.

For instance:

-          Where do notions like “mental health” and “mental illness” come from? What can we learn from their history?

-          How do specific diagnostic categories emerge?

-          How does psychiatric language shape the way we think about ourselves and each other?

-          How should we understand the relationship between mental illness and personal responsibility?

-          How does stigma about mental illness function?

-          How can we distinguish illness and disorder from other kinds of difference?

-          To what extent can psychiatry be considered a science?

The aim of this conference is to demonstrate that a dialogue between two of these disciplines – philosophy and linguistics – can help shed light on these important issues.

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This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).




August 20, 2018, 8:00am BST

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#Studies on Mental Illness, #Linguistics & Philosophy, #CHASE events, #University of Essex, #University off East Anglia