CFP: Meaning and Reality in Social Context

Submission deadline: July 15, 2018

Conference date(s):
January 15, 2019 - January 16, 2019

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Philosophy Program, Institute of European and American Studies , Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan

Topic areas


Human beings are social beings. We live and thrive as individuals, but more importantly as groups. Gender, race, age, abilities, religious beliefs, political affiliation and sexual orientation, among others, are some representative ways of categorizing people. But what exactly is the nature of such labeling and the resulting social groups and how should we respond to their implications? This conference aims to probe into the nature of groups in a social context, particularly from the perspective of language and cognition.

Investigating into the underpinning of social groups and their ramifications has important theoretical and practical significance. The way we understand and represent ourselves and others can condition our expectations, inform our preferences, guide or drastically alter our behavior. For one thing, individuals often reason in terms of their social identities and social roles, and consequently act as group agents towards the common good for their group. For another, large gender gaps in educational and career choices may be traced back to cultural stereotyping; furthermore, research has shown that the language young children hear can shape their perception of social groups, which may lead to stereotyping and prejudice.

Topics pertinent to the theme of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following issues:

  • Do groups have essences? Are social groups defined by natural characteristics, social features, or a combination of both?
  • What is the connection between self-identification and group membership? Is self-identification necessary to and/or sufficient for being in a group?
  • What is the mechanism of group intention and action? How do individuals form collective intentionality, act as group agents, and perform coordinated actions?
  • How do we understand the semantics of social groups? How do we analyze statements containing reference to groups, e.g., generics? If generic statements are potentially dangerous in inflicting implicit bias, how should we deal with them?

Confirmed Speakers

Sally Haslanger (MIT)

Ron Mallon (Washington University, St. Louis)

Mari Mikkola(Oxford Univerity)

Dominic Murphy(University of Sydney)

Katherine Ritchie(CUNY)

Jennifer Saul (University of Sheffield)

Robin Zheng (Yale-NUS College)

Date & Venue

15 January – 16 January 2019

Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica

No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nankang, Taipei City 115, Taiwan

Call for Paper

We invite submitted papers for the conference. Submissions are selected based on the quality and relevance to the topics of the conference. Please send a 300-word abstract outlining the main arguments (prepared for blind review) to [email protected] as a PDF attachment and indicate your name and affiliation in the body of the email. Submissions are due by July 15, 2018; successful applicants will be notified by August 15, 2018.

The organizer intends to publish the conference papers, with revisions made in accordance with the comments of participants and/or reviewers, in a special issue of IEAS’s in-house journal EurAmerica, or an edited volume by an internationally renowned publisher.

Key Dates

Abstracts due: 15 July 2018

Notification of acceptance: 15 August 2018

Full papers due: 15 December 2018

Conference: 15 January –16 January 2019

Final revised papers due: 15 March 2019

Visa Information

Nationals of several countries are eligible for the Taiwanese visa exemption program, but please make sure that your passport is valid for traveling. Please clickhere for more information


Philosophy Group, Institute of European and American Studies,

Academia Sinica, Taiwan.


Dr. Hsiang-Yun Chen & Dr. Linus Ta-Lun Huang:[email protected]

Ms. Chia-Chi Tseng: [email protected] (research assistant)

Supporting material

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