CFP: Summer School CeSPeC 2018 "Digital Life. Being Human. Being Human in the Society of the 21st Century"

Submission deadline: July 30, 2018

Conference date(s):
September 11, 2018 - September 15, 2018

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

CeSPeC - Centro Studi sul Pensiero Contemporaneo (Cuneo. Italy)
Cuneo, Italy

Topic areas



Applications for the CeSPeC Summer School 2016 are open. Our research Centre offers both undergraduates and postgraduates the chance to apply for scholarships. Scholarships are dispensed in the form of a partial reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses incurred to participate in the Summer School. Recipients of the scholarships will have to attend to the whole four days event in order to be eligible for the scholarship. Taking part in the panel organised on the 15th of September is not mandatory. The trip from Cuneo to Savigliano and the lunch in Savigliano on the 14th of September are organised and offered by CeSPeC. The Summer School is open to all those interested, and especially to undergraduates, postgraduates (such as PhD students and Post-Docs), and scholars specialised in the following disciplines: philosophy, sociology, anthropology, law, religious studies, modern and contemporary history, science and technology.

The selected candidates shall benefit of the following contribute:

Residence Amount (€) Province of Cuneo 80,00

Piedmont (outside of Cuneo) 150,00

Other Italian regions 250,00

Foreign Countries 350,00

Please note that the amount shall be calculated on the basis of the fiscal residence, rather than the domicile.

2.     FORMS

As part of the application form you will need to send by e-mail the following documents or information:

a) Curriculum Vitae (CV);

b) Personal statement: a short written statement (up to 2000 characters) outlining the reason(s) for taking part in the Summer School, and what you hope to gain from the Summer School programme;

c) Personal data and contacts (e-mail address and phone number).

Applications must be sent by the 20th of August 2018.

You will receive communication about the decision within 20 days after the application deadline.

Selected applicants will have to register one hour before the first panel of the Summer School at the ex-Mater Amabilis University branch (Via Ferraris di Celle, 2 – Cuneo).


During the Summer School one panel will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of proposals by the scholarship recipients (up to 20 minutes each), dealing with the main theme. The proposals will be selected by the CeSPeC research group and will be published after the event. Applicants who are interested in delivering a presentation must send, along with their application form, the abstract-form attached to this announcement duly completed within the 31st of July 2018. A maximum of 6 abstracts will be selected. Please note that the presentation is not compulsory.

It is therefore possible to apply:

1) For a scholarship only (deadlne: 20th of August)

2) For a scholarship and the presentation (deadline: 31st of July)

It is not possible to apply solely for a presentation. This year there will be a workshop with Prof. Milad Doueihi. Some students will be selected as discussants and will be invited to read some short essays by the author. Those who want to take part in the Summer School with their own paper are invited to check section 5 for the list of the topics. Proposals that are consistent with one or more sessions will be selected.


Applications will be evaluated by a commission, chosen by the organization committee. Applications sent via telefax or via traditional mail will not be considered. Please note that no hard copies of documents will have to be submitted along with the application. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Applications must be addressed to the CeSPeC’s administrative office, at the following e-mail address: [email protected] (confirm option is suggested).

5.     SUBJECT

The topic of this edition of the Summer School CeSPeC will be the so-called “digital turn” from the standpoint of humanities. The summer school wants to analyse the relationship between human sciences and new digital technologies by focusing on what Luciano Floridi has called “the 4th Revolution”. By doing so, the seminars will address anthropological, psychological and social themes.

These will be the questions at the core of the debate:

A) What is digital, and what is its significance in contemporary man’s life?

B) What are the social, anthropological and emotional changes introduced by new digital technologies?

C) What problems, challenges and risks connected with these technologies can be dealt with by human sciences, in particular by philosophy?

Here the sessions of the school, that can also be used as orientation for those who want to send an abstract proposal:

1) Numeric reality – The question concerning the digital dimension. This session welcomes theoretical papers dealing with general questions about digital reality or digital technologies.

2) Digital knowledge, digital intelligence. This session welcomes contributions regarding the pedagogical, educational and epistemological effects of digital technologies.

3) Emotions and social connections in the web. This session welcomes papers focusing on the problem of human interaction through digital technologies.

4) Working and producing in the era of digital economy. This session welcomes papers dealing with new forms of work, production, economy or exchange in the digital age.

5) Games and creation in the virtual space. This session welcomes contributions about the problem of creation and creativity, about new forms of play and of gamification in the digital space.

6) History and evolution of digital technologies. This session welcomes historical papers about the origin, the evolution or maybe the future of digital technologies.


Tuesday, the 11th September 2018, 3 p.m. (Cuneo, Sede Universitaria Ex Mater Amabilis, Via Ferraris di Celle 2)
Numeric reality – The question concerning the digital dimension
Giuseppe O. Longo (Università di Trieste), Antonio Scala (CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

Tuesday, the 11th September 2018, 9 p.m. (Cuneo, Spazio Incontri Cassa di Risparmio 1855, Via Roma 15)
Lectio Magistralis: Pietro Montani (Università “La Sapienza” – Roma)

Wednesday, the 12th September 2018, 9:30 a.m. (Cuneo, Sede Universitaria Ex Mater Amabilis, Via Ferraris di Celle 2)
Digital knowledge, digital intelligence
Fernando Sarracino (Università “Suor Orsola Benincasa” – Napoli), Laurence Devillers (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris)

Wednesday, the 12th September 2018, 3 p.m. (Cuneo, Sede Universitaria Ex Mater Amabilis, Via Ferraris di Celle 2)
Emotions and social connections in the web
Gianfranco Pecchinenda (Università “Federico II” – Napoli), Davide Bennato (Università di Catania)

Thursday, the 13th September 2018, 09:00 a.m. (PING – Pensare in Granda – Cuneo, Via Carlo Pascal 7)
Tavola rotonda e laboratorio applicato per l’infanzia: Dal Lego al Lògos. Esperienze di robotica educativa

Renato Grimaldi (Università di Torino), Lorenzo Denicolai (Università di Torino)

Thursday, the 13th September 2018, 09:30 a.m. (Cuneo, Sede Universitaria Ex Mater Amabilis, Via Ferraris di Celle 2)
Working and producing in the era of digital economy
Piero Dominici (Università di Perugia) Daniele Gambetta (Giornalista Freelance -Motherboard, Fanpage)

Thursday, the 13th September 2018, 3:00 p.m. (Cuneo, Sede Universitaria Ex Mater Amabilis, Via Ferraris di Celle 2)
Games and creation in the virtual space
Stefano Triberti (Università Statale di Milano), Alessio Andriolo (Gruppo Ippolita)

Thursday, the 13th September 2018, 9:00 p.m. (Cuneo, Salone d’Onore del Municipio, Via Roma 28)
Tavola rotonda: Fake-news e post-verità. L’informazione ha ancora un futuro?
Maurizio Ferraris (Università di Torino), Walter Quattrociocchi (Università di Venezia)

Friday, the 14th September 2018, 09:30 p.m. (Polo Universitario di Savigliano (CN), Via Garibaldi 6)
History and evolution of digital technologies
Gabriele Balbi (Università della Svizzera italiana), Mauro Carbone (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), Elena Lamberti (Università di Bologna)

Friday, the 14th September 2018, 03:00 p.m. (Polo Universitario di Savigliano (CN), Via Garibaldi 6)
Milad Doueihi (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Gemma Serrano (Collège des Bernardins – Paris)

Saturday, the 15th September 2018, 09:00 a.m.

Panels dedicated to High School Students

Relatori: Milad Doueihi (Collège des Bernardins – Paris), Gemma Serrano (Collège des Bernardins – Paris)

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