The Nomological, the Mental, and Agency

March 31, 2012
Philosophy Graduate Student Organization, University of South Florida

The Chamber: Marshall Student Center Room 4200
4202 E Fowler Ave, MSC 4100
Tampa 33620
United States

View the Call For Papers


John Carroll
University of North Carolina (System)
North Carolina State University
Alexander Levine
University of South Florida
University of South Florida


Jeffrey Hinzmann
University of South Florida

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Our conference deals with cashing out the relationship between philosophical accounts of laws of nature and complex phenomena, particularly types of mental phenomena such as mental causation and agency. Though papers from all areas of philosophy are welcome, we will give special consideration to papers focused on the conference theme, including: philosophy of science, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, agency theory, Free-Will, and critiques of scientistic attempts to deal with the mind.

Please send two separate files [.pdf, .doc, or .docx formats only please] (i) one containing only the body of your paper with no identifying information and (ii) another with a title, abstract, contact information, and institutional affiliation to:

[email protected]

Conference venue: Tampa and the surrounding St. Petersburg/Clearwater areas provide a nice reason to extend your trip of Florida. Besides the conference, be ready to enjoy temperatures in the 70s, the beaches, and summer-like conditions in late March.

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