CFP: Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture: Open CFP

Submission deadline: May 28, 2020

Topic areas


“Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture” invites, on a continuous basis, all highquality papers which address topics relevant for philosophy of culture. Contemporary culture can be characterized as highly complex, dynamic if not aporetic: as a realm of ever changing conceptual and axiological frameworks, and of plural or even competing meanings. In this perspective, what is needed is constantly renewed philosophical reflection, which not only addresses but also interprets and makes sense of different cultural processes. For philosophy of culture itself demands (perhaps, more than ever before) a form of deepened meta-reflection, which confront the problems of its essence, methods, and a role it should play. Therefore, we welcome both: original analyses of contemporary cultural phenomena and methodological considerations on the current status of philosophy of culture and its relations to other philosophical disciplines as well as to the humanities in general.

All essays should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to: [email protected].

Essays have to be previously unpublished and they cannot be under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should be prepared for a double-blind review process. Please, make sure that your paper complies with our submission standards which are posted here: Calls for papers to the thematic sections of each issue will be announced on regular basis.

Eidos also accepts discussion papers and book reviews engaging with important contemporary philosophical discussions. Discussion papers and book reviews are not subject to peer review, but undergo an internal editorial review process instead. 

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