CFP: Kinds of Intelligence 2.0: Machine Minds
Submission deadline: March 15, 2019
Conference date(s):
June 19, 2019 - June 21, 2019
Conference Venue:
Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
Topic areas
Kinds of Intelligence 2: Machine Minds (KoI2:MM)
Dates: June 19th-21st, 2019
Location: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
KoI2:MM is an interdisciplinary conference exploring issues related to our understanding of intelligence and minds in the age of AI. This year, we are inviting abstract submissions on each of the conference's three main themes:
Day 1: Artificial consciousness in the age of deep learning
Is it possible to create machine consciousness? If so, should we, and how can this be regulated?
How will we know if or when we have artificial consciousness?
How does deep learning allow us to approach or understand
consciousness differently?
Day 2: Generality and intelligence in animals and AI
What is generality and could machines have it?
What are the trade-offs between generality and performance in animals and machines?
How can the common-sense knowledge of animals be encoded for use with AI? Does it need to be?
Day 3: Artificial Intelligence and intelligence augmentation
How will our understanding of minds change as they become more integrated with machines?
How are AI techniques used for cognitive enhancements now and in the near future?
How do we best navigate the benefits and risks associated with augmented intelligence?
Abstracts should be up to 1000 words (not including references) and clearly mention the day they are intended for. We welcome any abstracts related to the overall theme of the conference 'machine minds', though preference will be given to those that directly address the topics of the individual days.
Please send your abstract or any questions to: [email protected]
The deadline is March 15th 2019 (Anywhere on Earth).
Accepted speakers will be registered for the conference and receive a ticket to the annual Margaret Boden Lecture given this year by Daniel Dennett (on June 18th). Depending on funding we may also be able to supply a small travel bursary (more details closer to the time).
The conference is organised through, and supported by, the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (
Details of last year's conference can be found at: