Resource Rights and Sustainable Resource Management

February 16, 2012 - February 17, 2012
Centre for Ethics, University of Zürich


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In times of increasing resource scarcity, mass poverty and rapid environmental degeneration this workshop seeks to analyse the normative and political challenges for achieving the aim of just and sustainable resource management. The workshop brings together a range of international experts who will address (among others) the issues of what resource rights are, which claims people have to existing resources, what guidelines trade in natural resources should follow, which institutions effective environmental resource governance requires, and what the demands of just and sustainable resource management actually are.

Speakers include:

Tim Hayward (Edinburgh)
Regina Kreide (Giessen)
Chris Armstrong (Southampton)
Cara Nine (Cork)
Leif Wenar (London)
Laurence Tubiana (Paris)
Christian Seidel (Zurich)
Avery Kolers (Louisville)
Fabian Schuppert (Zurich)

The workshop will take place on February 16th and 17th 2012 at the Centre for Ethics of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Participation in the workshop is free. However, as places are limited, please register beforehand at fabian.schuppert[@]

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February 16, 2012, 11:00am CET

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