Women Intellectuals in Antiquity, Oxford, 15-16 February 2020
Keble College
United Kingdom
- The British Society for the History of Philosophy (BSHP)
- The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH)
- The Department of Classics at King’s College London
- Keble College Oxford
- Oxford University
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Call for Papers: Women Intellectuals in Antiquity
15-16 February 2020, Keble College, Oxford
Aspasia, Hypatia, Sappho, Lucretia, Cleopatra, Diotima, Lavinia, Monica, Hecuba, Macrina, Radegund: the names of women intellectuals and the whispers of their powerful influence on philosophy, politics, literature, and education are scattered through the ancient evidence.
Who were these women teachers and philosophers, thought-leaders and theorists of Antiquity? Beyond how they are presented and used by male authors, how might their own thoughts and voices be fossilized within these ancient texts and other artefacts– and what methodological tools do we need to develop in order to excavate them? What can be recovered of the distinctive ideas and methods these women contributed to philosophy, literature, theology, or politics?
This Symposium aims to bring together scholars from across the humanities disciplines to discuss women intellectuals in Antiquity. In addition to paper sessions, it will feature two keynote talks by Dr. Danielle Layne and Dr. Sophia Connell, and two round-table discussions led by Peter Adamson (https://historyofphilosophy.net/) and Armand D’Angour (https://www.armand-dangour.com/). The Symposium will provide a forum for further discussion complementing the Carlyle Philosophy Lecture series which will be given in Oxford throughout Hilary Term by Professor Peter Adamson.
Please see the programme here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18ReSRX78ZBXgjGbIgwJVze5rvR2-QIbw/view
You are invited to register for the event here: https://estore.kcl.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/academic-faculties/faculty-of-arts-humanities/department-of-classics/women-intellectuals-in-antiquity-symposium
This event is jointly organised by Jenny Rallens, Peter Adamson, Katharine O’Reilly, and Ursula Coope. We gratefully acknowledge the support of Keble College Oxford, the British Society for the History of Philosophy (BSHP), The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), Oxford University, the Department of Classics at King's College London, and LMU Munich.