Consciousness, Agency and First-person Representation

March 23, 2020 - March 24, 2020
Universidad de Barcelona


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Workshop: ‘Consciousness, Agency and First-person Representation’

University of Barcelona, March 23rd and 24th

Submission deadline: February 1st, 2020

Confirmed Speakers: Denis Buehle, Lea Salje, Hong Yu Wong, Wayne Wu

The project "Awareness, self-awareness and unawareness: Exploring the perception-cognition-action continuum" (PGC2018-095909-B-I00; PI: Josefa Toribio) will host a two-day workshop, March 23rd and 24th, in Barcelona. The aim of the workshop is to generate fruitful discussion on the relation between consciousness, agency and first-person representation or perspective. Interesting questions that we intend to address include, but are not limited to:

  • Do we need to appeal to first-person representation to understand consciousness? Is consciousness required to have a first-person representation?
  • Can we make sense of the distinction between action and mere movements without appealling to first-person representations?
  • Does agency ground first-person representation?
  • Do we need consciousness to understand what is an agent or first-person representation?
  • There are some processess or capacities, like arguably perception, that we attribute to the individual (personal) rather than to one of its parts (subpersonal). Can we make sense of the personal/subpersonal distinction by appeal to first-person representations or by appeal to action (if so, of what kind)?

Those interested in giving a talk at the workshop should submit a 500-ish word abstract of a proposed talk to [email protected] to the attention of Miguel Ángel Sebastián by February 1st, 2020. If you have any question please do not heasitate to write to [email protected]

The project "Awareness, self-awareness and unawareness: Exploring the perception-cognition-action continuum" (PGC2018-095909-B-I00; PI: Josefa Toribio) will host a two-day workshop, March 23rd and 24th, in Barcelona. The aim of the workshop is to generate fruitful discussion on the relation between consciousness, agency and first-person representation or perspective. Interesting questions that we intend to address include, but are not limited to:

  • Do we need to appeal to first-person representation to understand consciousness? Is consciousness required to have a first-person representation?
  • Can we make sense of the distinction between action and mere movements without appealling to first-person representations?
  • Does agency ground first-person representation?
  • Do we need consciousness to understand what is an agent or first-person representation?
  • There are some processess or capacities, like arguably perception, that we attribute to the individual (personal) rather than to one of its parts (subpersonal). Can we make sense of the personal/subpersonal distinction by appeal to first-person representations or by appeal to action (if so, of what kind)?

Those interested in giving a talk at the workshop should submit a 500-ish word abstract of a proposed talk to [email protected] to the attention of Miguel Ángel Sebastián by February 1st, 2020. If you have any question please do not heasitate to write to [email protected]

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