CFP: *Postponed until 2021* Understanding Value IX: Sheffield Postgraduate Philosophy Conference

Submission deadline: April 1, 2020

Conference date(s):
January 1, 2021

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Topic areas


Understanding Value IX: Call for Abstracts

We are happy to invite abstracts of 500 words prepared for anonymous review to the ninth annual Understanding Value conference at the University of Sheffield (UK), to be held from the 7th-9th July 2020. Understanding Value IX is the ninth instalment of a highly successful postgraduate conference at the University of Sheffield that aims at cultivating postgraduate work on value in a welcoming and inclusive space. As such the University of Sheffield and the organisers of Understanding Value highly encourage submissions from members of underrepresented groups in philosophy. 

At Understanding Value we are interested in papers addressing issues pertaining to value broadly construed.  Value permeates many questions in philosophical discourse and as such we welcome papers from any area of philosophy for consideration. We also welcome interdisciplinary contributions. For instance, areas of interest may include, but are by no means limited to: 

  • Metaethics
  • Feminism, postcolonial studies, and critical philosophy of race
  • Disability studies 
  • Implicit Bias 
  • Philosophy of Medicine 
  • Metaphysics 
  • Virtue Ethics 
  • Epistemic Injustice
  • Epistemic Vice and Virtue 
  • Debates in Normative Ethics 
  • Epistemic Normativity 
  • Reasons, Rationality, and Argument 
  • Testimony and Trust 
  • Philosophy of Beauty 
  • Aesthetic Norms
  • Philosophy of Art
  • Philosophy of Sex
  • Moral, Aesthetic, and Political Disagreement 
  • Nihilism & Existentialism 
  • Imagination and Perception 
  • Moral Esteem and Recognition 
  • Blame and Blameworthiness 
  • Moral Authority 
  • Philosophy of Food 
  • Climate Change and Environmentalism 
  • Philosophy of Wellness and Happiness 
  • Deontic Logic 
  • Philosophy of Logic 

We invite submissions from those who are currently postgraduates at any level, or from those who have completed a PhD less than two years before the conference date. Speakers will be allotted 20 minutes for their presentation, followed by 10 minutes of questions.


Please submit abstracts of 500 words or fewer. Prepare your abstract for blind review (i.e., remove all content that may identify you as the author), and send it to [email protected]. Our submision deadline is the 1st of April 2020.

Submissions must be accompanied by a cover sheet, attached as a separate file, which provides the author(s)'s name(s), email address(es), institutional affiliation(s), and the title of the proposed paper.

The organizers are eager to assemble a demographically diverse program. To aid in this endeavour, if you are a member of a group that is underrepresented in professional philosophy and wish to identify yourself as such, please include this information on your cover sheet as well.

Both files must be in one of these formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt

There is a limit of one submission per author.

Important Dates:

Deadline for submissions: 1st April 2020

Notification of acceptance: by 1st of May 2020

Date of conference: 7th-9th of July 2020

Other Information

We are hoping to be able to provide a number of travel, food, accommodation, and childcare bursaries for those who need them, as well as sourcing funding to make any necessary accommodations for disabled conference participants. Details will be available closer to the conference date. 

Conference Organisers

This year's organisers are Yuhan Fu, Henry Roe, Anna Klieber, and Barney Riggs. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected]

Supporting material

Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.)


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#Sheffield events, #Sheffield Philosophy, #Engaged Philosophy, #Understanding Value