Conscious Experience. Reformed Empiricism and Its Prospects

February 14, 2020 - February 16, 2020
Department of Philosophy, Ashoka University

Lecture Room II, Annexe Building
India International Center
New Delhi 131029

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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
University College London
Brandeis University
University of Pittsburgh
Brown University
School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University
California State University, Fresno
Ashoka University
Brandeis University
University of Belgrade
Bosuk Yoon
Ewha Women's University


California State University, Fresno

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This is an author meets critics style conference that focuses on Anil Gupta's recent book "Conscious Experience". In it, Gupta critically assesses opposing views and then develops Reformed Empiricism, a view that contains novel proposals with respect to the nature and the rational role of conscious experience.

Anil Gupta will open the conference by presenting a precis of the book, invited speakers will present papers raising various issues and providing constructive criticism with respect to various aspects of the book, each followed by a Q&A session. To close the conference, Anil Gupta will respond to various issues discussed.

The event is open to the public, but since space is limited, registration is required. Only registered guests will be admitted.

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February 11, 2020, 6:45pm IST

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University College London
California State University, Fresno
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#Delhi Events, #Philosophy of Perception, #Empiricism, #Philosophy of Mind