CFP: Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology-2nd Volume
Submission deadline: September 21, 2020
Topic areas
- 20th Century Philosophy
- Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
- History of Western Philosophy, Miscellaneous
- Epistemology
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy of Action
- Philosophy of Language
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Religion
- Asian Philosophy
- Continental Philosophy
- European Philosophy
- Philosophy of the Americas
- Philosophical Traditions, Miscellaneous
- General Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Cognitive Science
- Philosophy of Probability
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Aesthetics
- Applied Ethics
- Normative Ethics
- Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality
- Philosophy of Law
- Social and Political Philosophy
- Value Theory, Miscellaneous
Call for Papers
The Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology2021
2nd Issue
The Iranian Society for Phenomenology is intending to publish the 2nd Issue of “the Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology” in Iran, In Partnership with Iranian Political Science Association and Gam-e-nou(New Step) Publisher. We Invite every interested researcher to contribute to this edited book volume. authors should Submit Their Final Draft (in Persian or English) no later than September 21, 2020 to the Yearbook:( )
The Editors-in-Chief in this series are J. Moini Alamdari, Associate Professor of Political Science (Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran) and Hamid Malekzadeh (PhD in Political Theory, University of Tehran). Alamdari is the author of ‘Reflexivity; As a Method to the Study of Politics’ (2006) and ‘Church and Leviathan; Political Meaning of Relationship between Contemporary Christianity and State in the West (2003). Hamid is the author of I Am A Not-Others: An Inquiry in Concreteness of the Political Subject (Pajvak, Tehran: 2014) and Embodiment and The Transcendental Basis of Politics: An Essay in Political Ontology (Gam-e-No[New Step]: forthcoming 2020). He is also the translator of Toward a Phenomenology of Sexual Difference: Husserl, Merleau Ponty, Beauvoir by Heinämaa Sara (Gam-e-Nou [New Step]: forthcoming 2020).
The Yearbook is to be published by Gam-e-no (New Step) publishing and Iranian Society For Phenomenology (IPS) at Iranian Political Science Association (IPSA). There will be two peer reviews of each paper submitted to the volume, and these will be double-blind with both the reviewer and author identities concealed. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.
The editors, in association with the Gam-e-no (New Step) Publishing Corporation and the Iranian Political Science Association, invite interested researchers to contribute to the inaugural Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology:
Mohammad Javad Gholamreza Kashi (Allameh Tabataba'i University)
Abbas Manochehri (Tarbiat Modarres University)
Reza Najafzadeh (Shahid Beheshti University)
Aliashraf Nazar (University of Tehran)
Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedi (Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch)
Hassan Ab Niki (Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch)
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
> Phenomenology of morality and the Problem of the Common
> Phenomenology and Social cognition
> Empathy, cognition and sociality
> Experience, Consciousness and being social
> Experience, Embodiment, and sociality
> Phenomenology and Social Epistemology
> We-Experience and the Problem of Social Identity
> Phenomenology, Ethics and Communality
> Social Construction of Reality
> Ego, Alter ego and being social
> Memory and the Problem of Social Identity
> The subject, object, and inter-subjective basis of the social
> Life-World and The Possibility of we
> "We” in common life
> Gender, Race, and Social Difference: a phenomenological approach
> We, others, and the mechanisms of collective identity
> Love and Sociality
> Phenomenology of Social Classes
> Tradition and political autonomy
> State, and non-state-based communism
> Regionalism and decentralization
> Phenomenology, Citizenship, and Social Awareness
How to submit
•authors should Submit their Papers (in Persian or English) no later than September 21, 2020 to the Yearbook:(
•Essays must not be more than 9,500 words (including abstract, footnotes / endnotes, bibliography, etc.). Authors may submit their final draft in this address(
•Essays in English will be translated into Persian by our editorial team and will be published in Persian. An open access version of English papers will be provided online as soon as the printed version is published.
Custom tags:
#Iranian Phenomenology, #Iranian philosophy, #Iranian Political Thought