(CANCELLED UNTIL 2021) Kinds of Intelligence 3: Cognitive Science Beyond the Human
Murray Edwards College
United Kingdom
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COVID 19 Update.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kinds of Intelligence 3: Cognitive Science Beyond the Human, which was scheduled for 22-25 June 2020, has been postponed. The exact date of the conference is to be confirmed, but we expect it to be held in Cambridge in the summer of 2021.
All of our 2020 invited speakers will be invited to speak at the 2021 conference. Many excellent abstracts have already been submitted to our CFA, and we plan to review these as normal despite the postponement. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present at the conference in 2021. In addition, we will advertise a new CFA in early 2021. Those whose work is accepted in the 2020 CFA may submit new work to the 2021 CFA if they wish. If their 2021 submission is accepted, they will be invited to choose which piece of work to present. Any existing registrations for the 2020 conference will be refunded. A new call for registrations will be advertised in early 2021.
If you have any questions about the conference, please direct them to the organisers - Ali Boyle ([email protected]) and Henry Shevlin ([email protected]).
In the meantime, we hope you stay safe and healthy, and we look forward to welcoming you to Kinds of Intelligence in 2021.
(Original posting including below for reference)
Kinds of Intelligence 3: Cognitive Science Beyond the Human
Confirmed speakers
• Andrew Barron (Biological Sciences, Macquarie University)
• Feryal Behbahani (Artificial Intelligence, DeepMind)
• Carl Craver (Philosopher of Neuroscience, Washington University)
• John Danaher (School of Law, University College, Galway)
• Carrie Figdor (Philosophy and Psychology, University of Iowa)
• Alison Gopnik (Psychology and Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley)
• Julia Haas (Philosophy and Neuroscience, Rhodes College)
• Diana Maynard (Computer Science, University of Sheffield)
• Richard Moore (Philosophy and Cognitive Science, University of Warwick)
• Stephen Neale (Philosophy of Language, CUNY Graduate Center)
• Samir Okasha (Philosophy of Science, University of Bristol)
• Catherine Stinson (Philosophy and Ethics of AI, University of Bonn).
Conference Website: www.kindsofintelligence.com
Registration: https://bit.ly/31AADKt (Early Bird registration closes 22nd April)
Organisers: Dr Alexandria Boyle and Dr Henry Shevlin
We are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the 2020 Kinds of Intelligence conference to be held at the University of Cambridge, June 22nd-25th 2020. Those whose abstracts are accepted will be allotted a 30-minute slot (of which up to 10 minutes can be reserved for questions). In the event that we receive a large number of high quality submissions, a poster session will be held to accommodate further selected submitted material. Speakers giving talks will receive up to £100 to defray travel expenses. Additionally, a conference prize will be awarded for the best talk by an early career researcher (understood as including graduate students and those who completed their PhD in the last five years).
This will be the third Kinds of Intelligence conference, with previous speakers including Margaret Boden, Peter Godfrey-Smith, and Daniel Dennett. The goal of the event is to bring together researchers from across cognitive science to address questions concerning the structure, function, and nature of cognition and mentality, with a particular emphasis on artificial and non-human biological intelligence. Examples of questions relevant to the conference include the following:
• What is intelligence? How can we quantify or otherwise classify diverse forms of intelligence?
• What can artificial intelligence researchers learn from their colleagues in philosophy, psychology, and biology about building smarter machines?
• What approaches or conceptual schemata should be employed to determine whether an animal or AI is conscious?
• How can we move towards more robust interdisciplinary approaches for determining the presence of capacities like emotion, theory of mind, and causal understanding in non-human systems?
• What useful applications are there for frameworks from philosophy of science for comparative cognition and machine learning?
• What special ethical issues arise in relation to our dealings with non-human intelligences?
If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please take careful note of the following.
(1) Abstracts should be anonymised and submitted in Word or PDF format to [email protected] no later than April 15. The subject line should read "Kinds of Intelligence 2020 submission".
(2) Abstracts should be 'long form' - around 500 words (excluding references).
(3) Please indicate in your submission email (i) whether you would be willing to present a poster in the event that we cannot accommodate your talk, and (ii) whether you are an early career researcher (defined for present purposes as a graduate student or researcher who obtained their PhD within five years of June 22nd 2020).
We aim to make the conference accessible, in light of the BPA/SWIP guidelines for accessible conferences. The conference will be held at the Kaetsu Conference Centre, Murray Edwards College. You can find information about accessibility at Murray Edwards College here: http://www.murrayedwardsevents.co.uk/visitor-information/accessibility-statement/.
If you would like more information about accessibility, or anything else relating to the conference, please feel free to contact the conference organisers at [email protected].
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