CFP: Conatus - Journal of Philosophy 6, no. 2 Special Issue: Conatus - The Will to Persist
Submission deadline: December 31, 2020
Topic areas
This special issue of Conatus - Journal of Philosophy seeks contributions on the topic “Conatus - The Will to Persist.” We welcome original articles on the history of the concept, as well as contributions that try to identify a continuity (or discuss
discrepancies) between the concept of conatus and related notions. We are also looking forward to submissions on contemporary topics, such as the debate about conatus and relational autonomy. Submissions should examine topics such as, but
not limited to, the following ones:
a. Conatus in Leibniz’ Metaphysics: Perception and Appetite in the theory of monads.
b. Fichte’s Streben of the I: Conatus as the basis of human action.
c. The relationship between conatus and the other emotions in Aristotle.
d. The illusion of time: Conatus and time in Spinoza’s and McTaggart’s metaphysics
e. The concept of teleology in Spinoza’s conatus-doctrine.
f. The Cartesian mechanistic account of conatus.
g. The Heideggerian concept of Sorge and its relation to the concept of conatus.
h. Max Stirner’s ego as a conative existence.
i. Conatus and relational autonomy.
j. Hobbes’ materialism: Conatus and deliberation.
k. The conative dimension of social ontology: The modes of persistance of social objects.
Submissions are due by December 31, 2020.
Conatus - Journal of Philosophy 6, no. 2, Special Issue: “Conatus - The Will to Persist” will be published (both printand on-line) in December 2021; all articles published with Conatus - Journal of Philosophy are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA International license and receive a unique Crossref DOI.
For guidelines on how to prepare and submit your manuscript please visit, and also contact the Guest Editors Nikos Psarros ([email protected]) and Jasmin Özel ([email protected]) with the subject
heading “Conatus: The Will to Persist submission.”
Publishing with Conatus - Journal of Philosophy is free of charge.
Conatus - Journal of Philosophy is currently indexed by all major indexing, abstracting and content coverage services
and databases.
Custom tags:
#Spinoza, #Leibniz, #Theory of Emotions, #McTaggart, #Descartes, #Heidegger, #Max Stirner, #Hobbes, #Autonomy, #Conatus, #Scopus, #ErihPlus, #Index Copernicus