Food, Ethics, Psychology

December 2, 2020 - December 9, 2020
University Center for Human Values, Princeton University

United States


University of Kansas
University of California, Riverside


Princeton University

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This is the first in a series of annual cross-disciplinary workshops called Food, Ethics, X.  For 2020, X = Psychology.  Questions include: How does the psychology of eating interact with ethical reflection on what we ought to eat?  Which psychological factors lead people to keep or violate their own ethical food commitments?  How does an individual’s sense of cultural and familial identity influence their ethical reflection about food?  What changes people’s attitudes about the ethics of food?  What role does reason or philosophical argument play in changing people's food choices? Can a class on food ethics influence the way students eat?  Participants include psychologists, philosophers, and sociologists from the US, UK, and Australia.

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December 9, 2020, 11:30am EST

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