CFP: Culture and Dialogue 9.2, "French Thought in Dialogue"
Submission deadline: May 1, 2021
Topic areas
Culture and Dialogue
An international peer reviewed print and electronic journal of cross-cultural philosophy and humanities
Brill ISSN 2222-3282
Honorary Member: Tzvetan Todorov 1939-2017
Editor in Chief: Gerald Cipriani, National University of Ireland Galway UNESCO, D.S. Likhachev Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia
Associate Editor: Martin Ovens, University of Oxford (UK)
Assistant Editor: Loni Reynolds, University of Roehampton (UK)
Manuscript Editor: Erika Mandarino, Tulane University (USA)
Book Review Editor: Robert Clarke, Lancaster University (UK)
Culture and Dialogue provides a forum for researchers from philosophy as well as other disciplines who study cultural formations dialogically, through comparative analysis, or within the tradition of hermeneutics. For each issue, the Journal seeks to bring manuscripts together with a common denominator. Our second 2021 Issue (Vol. 9.2) will focus on the theme of French Thought in Dialogue
This Issue welcomes contributions from any areas of French philosophy or theory of culture that explore in one way or another one of the following topics:
• Dialogical or intercultural experience
• French thought and otherness, which may relate to one or more particular cultural perspectives (Eastern, African, Western, Indian etc.)
• Philosophical reflection on specific aspects of French thought (anthropological, social, religious, political, psychological, scientific etc.)
• Critique of the idea of French thought from across the traditions of interpretive and analytic philosophies
Essays from a variety of cultural perspectives or philosophical traditions are particularly welcome.
We will consider essays in English, French, or bilingual translations.
Submissions to: admin[at]
Notes for Authors:
Deadline: 1 May 2021