CFP: Middle Voices: The new departmental journal for Duquesne Psychology
Submission deadline: February 28, 2021
Topic areas
Middle Voices is a journal of scholarly research published by the Department of Psychology at Duquesne University. As part of Duquesne’s longstanding tradition in human science psychology, the journal is concerned with cross- disciplinary intersections that inform our understanding of self and world.
We are seeking original articles, including qualitative and quantitative research, critical and theoretical work, and symposium-based papers. Exceptional creative or experiential work may also be considered if it significantly engages with themes from human science psychology.
We invite scholarships from the social sciences and humanities, as well as post-graduate, faculty, and independent research.
Deadline for our Spring Issue is February 28th, 2021
+ Cover sheet with name and contact information
+ Max. 7,500 words, 20-30 double-spaced pages
+ Bibliography and citations in APA format
Topics pertinent to the concerns of the journal include, but are not limited to:
+ Phenomenology, hermeneutics, and psychology
+ Ontological, epistemological, and ethical concerns in psychology
+ Psychology and the arts
+ The history of psychology
+ Consciousness research
Questions and Submissions → [email protected]