The Fourth Annual Stanford Ancient Philosophy Conference: Ancient Metaphysics and Epistemology
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Please join us for the 4th Annual Stanford Ancient Philosophy Conference on the 30th April 2021. The Conference will continue until the 2nd May, and this year will take place entirely online. It will feature contributions concerning Ancient Metaphyiscs and Epistemology from the following speakers:
Michael Peramatzis (Oxford)
David Sedley (Cambridge)
Emily Katz (Michigan State University)
Toomas Lott (Tartu University)
Thomas Kjeller Johansen (Oslo University)
Oliver Primavesi (LMU)
David Bronstein (University of New South Wales)
M.L.Gill (Brown)
In addition Emily Perry (Berkeley), Thomas Slabon (Stanford), Landon Hobbs (Stanford), Grant Dowling (Stanford), Soham Shiva (Stanford), Ashley Attwood (Stanford), Roy Lee (Stanford) and Rupert Sparling (Stanford) will be providing commentary.
All papers are available for download and viewing here:
Please see the attached program for details and schedule. Please note that all the times are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
You can register at the following adress:
The Conference is kindly sponsored by the Sam Purtill fund.