1st European Experimental Philosophy Conference, 2021, Prague
- Strategic Partnership Prague-Zurich
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Confirmed speakers
Helen De Cruz, Saint Louis University
Kathryn Francis, Keele University
Michael Laakasuo, University of Helsinki
Kevin Reuter, University of Zurich
Pascale Willemsen, University of Zurich
Invited symposia
Symposium on Future Technologies
Symposium on Language and Normativity
Chairpersons of the local organisers: Robin Kopecký and Michaela Jirout Košová (Prague)
Chair of the programme committee: Pascale Willemsen (Zurich)
For more information see www.xphiprague.eu
June 16, 2021, 3:00pm CET
Custom tags:
#experimental philosophy, #future technologies, #language and normativity, #large variety of experimental topics