CFP: 1st European Experimental Philosophy Conference, 2021, Prague
Submission deadline: June 17, 2021
Conference date(s):
June 17, 2021 - June 19, 2021
Conference Venue:
Charles University, Prague
Czech Republic
Topic areas
Online/hybrid event
Confirmed speakers
Helen De Cruz, Saint Louis University
Kathryn Francis, Keele University
Michael Laakasuo, University of Helsinki
Kevin Reuter, University of Zurich
Pascale Willemsen, University of Zurich
Invited symposia
Symposium on Future Technologies
Symposium on Language and Normativity
Submission deadline: 14 March 2021
Notification of acceptance: 2 April 2021
We warmly invite suggestions for talks and posters to be presented either online or in person. Each talk will last 30 to 35 minutes and speakers should allow 10 to 15 minutes of this time for questions.
Please prepare an abstract of no more than 500 words for anonymous review. The abstract should clearly specify the research question, which methods have been used, and which the results. Please add 4 to 6 keywords that best describe your research project. All contributions will be considered for both a talk and a poster presentation. If you wish to be considered for only one of these options, make a respective comment below your abstract. Please only submit pdf files. Each researcher can be involved in no more than three abstracts. Please submit your abstract to EasyChair:
Submissions can address any topic in experimental philosophy, including but not limited to Xphi of metaphysics, language, mind, morality, aesthetics, and philosophy of law. As always, we wish to cover a large variety of experimental topics. We also encourage the submission of abstracts which take a critical stance on experimental philosophy or which develop or discuss new empirical methods. In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the word “robot” by the Czech writer Karel Čapek, we also welcome papers on the topic of moral intuitions about future technologies, such as robots and artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, human enhancement, etc.
We strongly encourage young researchers, including master students and PhD students to submit their work.
Chairpersons of the local organisers: Robin Kopecký and Michaela Jirout Košová (Prague)
Chair of the programme committee: Pascale Willemsen (Zurich)
For more information see
Custom tags:
#experimental philosophy, #future technologies, #language and normativity, #large variety of experimental topics