Persons & Agents
Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 E Mall
Vancouver V6T1Z1
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Day #1 Friday March 15th
3-5pm Session #1 Carol Rovane (Columbia)
"Group Agents and Natural Persons"
Commentator: Tian Jie (UBC)
5-6.30pm Reception & Drinks
7pm Dinner with speakers and invited guests (smaller dinner)
Day#2 Saturday March 16th
1:00-2:45pm Session #2 Oisín Deery, Taylor Davis, Jasmine Carey (UBC)
"The Free-Will Intuitions Scale and the Question of Natural Compatibilism”
Commentator: Matt Bedke (UBC)
2:45-3:15pm Coffee Break
3:15-5:00pm Session #3: Tamler Sommers (Houston)
"Philosophical Busybodies: The Case of Desert."
Commentator Gunnar Björnsson (Umeå)
6.30pm Dinner @ TBA -- (accommodate approx. 20 people)
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