What we owe to each other: directed moral dutiesJan Gertken (Humboldt-University, Berlin), Felix Koch (Freie Universität Berlin), Kirsten Meyer (Humboldt-University, Berlin), Peter Schaber (University of Zürich), R. Jay Wallace (University of California, Berkeley)
part of:
The good, the true, and the beautiful: XXV. Congress of the German Society for Philosophy
Topic areas
Some moral duties are directed – they are duties that an agent owes to some party, such as the duty to keep one’s promises and the duty not to harm. Whether all duties are directed in this sense is controversial, however. At least at first sight, duties of mutual aid or duties concerning future generations are not easily understood in this way. The various issues addressed in this colloquium concern the role of directed duties for an adequate understanding of morality, including the relation between directed duties, claims and moral wronging.
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