NASSLLI 2022 - North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information
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The 2022 edition of the North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI) will be held at the University of Southern California June 18-24, 2022. We are planning on a fully in-person school with some potential for hybrid participation.
In response to the canceled 2020 edition of the school at Brandeis University—only partially substituted by the online-only WeSSLLI 2020—we have invited the instructors scheduled for the 2020 school to teach as part of the 2022 edition. Almost all accepted our offer. Because of this, we will not be issuing a call for course proposals this year.
The school website is We will be updating this site with more information about the courses, location, accommodations, scholarships and the student session in the coming months.
UPDATE: Registration is now open until May 13 ( Early bird registration ends April 7.