What is cognition?
Universitätsstraße 150
Bochum 44801
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(The call for papers is closed).
Authors of invited poster presentations will receive some financial support (hotel for two nights or some travelling support - varying with the travelling distance; to be specified later.).
PhD-students and MasterStudents are invited to submit posters on topics
related to the main topic of the conference.
Posters should be directly submitted or be described by an abstract of 500 words.
DEADLINE: May 14, 2013
see: www.rub.de/philosophy/cognition
Five decades after the onset of the cognitive revolution, cognitive scientists are still struggling to define cognition. Successive paradigms in cognitive science have offered increasingly vague definitions to expand the scope of cognitive explanations.
We invite contributions exploring any and all issues that can move us toward an answer to the question, “what is cognition?” Contributions are welcome to address a particular view already championed in the literature or bring forward original suggestions on how we might produce an adequate notion of cognition in philosophy and the cognitive sciences.
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