CFP: Call for Proposals for New Book Series on Philosophical Anthropology

Submission deadline: February 4, 2022

Topic areas


A new book series under consideration with Bloomsbury on Philosophical Anthropology is seeking proposals for possible inclusion in the series. 

The series will largely focus its publication agenda on the following avenues:

 - monographs and edited collections on the history of philosophical anthropology and philosophical anthropology as it has appeared in various historical thought (i.e., in Plato, Kant, Heidegger, Plessner, etc.)
- translations of key texts or understudied texts in philosophical anthropology,
- monographs and edited collections on the intersection of philosophy and anthropology (and other related fields) in a broader context (i.e., Latour's Actor-Network approach, Existential Anthropology, etc).
- monographs and edited collections on contemporary, systematic works of philosophical anthropology or otherwise original avenues that offer new insight, new approaches, or which critically examine central concepts to philosophical anthropology such as subjectivity, transcendence, etc.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal please get in touch with just a short paragraph describing the proposed book to determine if it is a good fit for the series. If so, I will then send the official Bloomsbury Proposal form to be completed with more details for further consideration and proposal peer-review. 

Contact Email:  [email protected]  

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#Philosophical Anthropology, #History of Philosophy, #Philosophy of Human Nature, #Anthropological Philosophy, #Social and Cultural Theory